Saturday, August 14, 2010

rummage sale madness (by Laura)

Readers, this is what Nancy's van o' dreams looks like as we near the end of a yard saling morning. Nancy refers to this spot in her van as the foyer. It certainly can hold many treasures.

This was a very well organized display of holiday items. I hope these nice proprieteresses had a van-load of decorating enthusiasts drive up after we left and buy everything.

Here are Nancy and Betty feverishly poring over bins full of paper products and scrapbooking supplies. They were very excited.

If you are holding your hammer together via tape, it is time to throw it out, not donate it to your church's rummage sale.

Here is Betty, happily posing for me as I show her my neat new camera phone.

Just so you know, Readers, I have not eaten one single bite of the aforementioned donuts. Here they are, as of 10 minutes ago. I was really hungry. Yard saling does that to you.

Here is Nancy displaying one of her hats she purchased today. I think she should wear it to the kids' first day of school this week, as a sort of celebration. What do you think?

Here are lovingly homemade tissue box holders. I wonder if I will ever get to a point in my life when I have time, let alone the desire to crochet a cover for an item that is inanimate (i.e., it doesn't get cold). I hope not.

Here is the largest collection of used Ace bandages I have ever seen. Was this from a large family of mostly boys who were always roughhousing and hurting themselves? Brittle-boned elderly nuns who sprained lots of ankles? An emergency department employee who is a member of St. Henry's who was desperate to donate something? Who needs this many Ace bandages? Readers, there is a story here.

I was intrigued by this item at St. Henry's. There were many balsalm-wood pieces in the box below. An aspiring architect's model set? Something that was used in architecture school in the 80s? A modern-style dollhouse? Samantha, help us out here.

As Nancy mentioned below, I will be putting on the proprieteress' hat this coming Saturday. I am woefully unprepared, and hope to get everything in gear soon. Check back in next week to read all about what is sure to be an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! Good one!
    I love the hammer. You are so right... things held together with tape should not be donated to charity. I think that is a universal maxim.
