Saturday, May 8, 2010


Dupo-really, by the name alone, would you think it would be a yard saling treasure? This little village close to somewhere (really, I got lost just finding the sales so you wouldn't expect me to know where in the midwest it is located, would you?) was (once again like Millstadt) chock full of wonderfully friendly, generous proprieters, junky items for purchase, and plentiful sales. My new favorite sale is the old village-wide sale, where the houses are smack dab close and you can park and walk and every time you turn a corner your eyes delight in the voluminous sales.
We started late this morning, as I was alone (Nancy had to chaperone a sleepover attended by roughly two dozen 8-10 year old girls; Samantha is away again with newly-returned-from Quatar-husband and son). I thought I was escaping with nary a child in sight (it being Mother's Day weekend and all), but alas, my two youngest cuties decided the allure of free or nearly-free toys was too compelling.
Here is Campbell with the world's biggest wreath at a multi-family sale. It was the windiest yard sale I have personally ever attended; the temperature was 46 when we started this morning but with the wind chill, it must have been closer to 30. It was freezing and my boys were such troopers.

So I can't figure out how to move pictures. I am a loser. The one below is supposed to go at the end, but reference the previous loser statement. Here is Hudson with our haul.....everything you see (on the couch) for $5.
This was a fantastic church rummage sale at Sacred Heart Church in Dupo. Friendly service, cheap prices, plenty of merchandise!

This is the largest basket of fake bread and cheese I have ever seen. I asked the propieter (who turned down a photo op posing with her basket) about it and she said she was into decorating and she would regularly change the breads and cheeses. I think. Did I mention it was freezing? I was having a hard time concentrating on anything other than maintaining my body temperature.

Here we are back at the church rummage sale with my two happy boys. This car bed collasped (the top part anyway) right after I snapped this photo. Not to worry as I believe it is supposed to come off to allow a mattress to be placed inside. It goes without saying this was a desired item by the boys, which I quicly vetoed. Not to worry about it receiving a good home; we saw it in the back of someone's pickup moments later.

I have to start a new post to get the rest of my pictures as I am unable to fit them all on one. See Dupo, part two!

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I am laughing too hard to post anything. You are funny.
