Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dear God! I forgot to tell you about Geri!

I first met Geri last year at the rummage sale in downtown Belleville at PSOP. I don't remember what that stands for:

Preservation of Seriously Old People?
Party Society of Older Persons?
Partially Sane Older People?

I don't know.

(Oh, Geri, I'm just kiddin' ya!)

Readers will remember Geri from the post of October 2, 2009. She tricked me into buying a whole bucket of costume jewelry for 5 bucks. In October, she was a sassy redhead with a flair for marketing!


But now she is a Sassy Silver Goddess will an eye for a bargain!

Her friend tells me Geri's daughter was way more grey than Geri, so Geri opted for silver as to not out-do her daughter. This is a demonstration of selflessness to which we should all aspire. For instance, when my daughter, who is now 8, starts to sprout boobies someday, I will not wear tight fitting clothes that flaunt my womanly figure! I will cloak myself in tunics and muumuus so that she may enjoy the limelight!

Geri remembered me right away as the crazy girl who bought all the jewelry. We shared the asphalt at two sales today... I will watch for you, Geri. You remain a formidable opponent in the bargain-hunting sphere.

OK. That's really all I have to report from today's adventure.

(Reader, you now I'm kidding, right? About the QP/BlSac rivalry? And about my competition with Geri? You know I'm kidding just about all the time? That's sort of the point of the blog: to attend the sales and remark on their weirdness while recognizing the weirdness in myself. I suppose if you don't get it {like Crock Lady's Daughter maybe?} you hate it and tune out. But for those of you who UNDERSTAND... just wait until next week!)

Nancy, out.

1 comment:

  1. PHENOMENAL Society of Older Persons!Patently Serious Order of Petunias. Patiently Silently Ordering Punch. Partly Spicy Organization of PadThai. Partly Sunny Or Pebbly. Oh my gosh I am studying too much. I remember Geri! She really delivered the sauce, in a saucy way. Was she the one who wouldn't go less than $4 on my old phone?
