Monday, June 14, 2010


Readers, I am trying to convince Nancy to write a book with me detailing our more insane adventures. It would be just like the blog, only pricier. (Well, since the blog is free, it isn't priciER, but you know what I mean). Isn't this a fabulous idea? Aren't you just planning the perfect spot to display said book on your coffee table? Or to use as a leg-balancing jimmy under your lopsided table? Whatever your ideal use of our Pulitzer-worthy book is, leave a comment with a yea (surely there would be no nays!) so as to convince Nancy of the worthiness of this endeavor.


  1. No yea-s yet but I just send email to ReadyMade and we will soon experience great fame as contributing editors or something! Ha!

  2. I vote yea - write a book already, Nan!
