Welcome back! And welcome, to YOU, Yardsale Season 2011! We have eagerly been awaiting your appearance!
Readers, it has been a long, dreary winter, with hopeless, freezing Saturdays filled with ennui. 5 below and nowhere to go!
But, alas, March has come, and with it, the fumbling, bumbling, awkward attempts of novice proprieters and proprieteresses to hold yard sales. Here, once again, is the #1 rule of yard sales:
1. People, it is only an estate sale if your entire estate is on sale, hence, the name ESTATE SALE. Hauling a few items into your garage and calling it an estate sale is a lie that will cause disdainful looks to be cast upon you by experienced, classy yardsalers such as myself.
Readers, my boys and I were efficiently efficient today. We saled. We skivved. But we bought nothing. (Please refer to older posts that reference my well-known miserliness).
Check back in frequently, Readers! The tales that will be spun this season are sure to keep you in suspenseful stitches!
Until next week!
Welcome back!! I have not yet ventured out... this weekend will start my season!