Saturday, April 30, 2011

Webster Groves Park!

Readers, Webster Groves Park was the destination today. Hopes were high for a one-of-a-kind sale, and it did not disappoint. Hats off to this lovely neighborhood, with lovely offerings to be had, as seen below:

Yes, readers, this is a genuine Britney Spears plaque, suitable for your Britney Spears shrine in your home.

There were three pairs of waders for sale today. The people of Webster Groves Park must spend a lot of time in the muck, or there are hordes of deadly snakes. I can't possibly find another explanation.

Do you ever have that pesky problem at the beach or pool when you think to yourself, "A swimsuit AND a towel? Now that is simply too much gear." Here is the answer you probably never thought existed: a combination swim trunk and towel. No need to towel off, for you are already wearing it.

Readers, Webster Grove Park is lovely. Samantha and I were treated to stunning displays of blatant spring-ing at every turn. Here is an example.

The propieteress of this sale helpfully labeled these waders, in case we couldn't tell by the two pictures on the front of the box.

Tune in next week for unknown treasures!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

belated blog

Readers, this is one of the many inexplicable treasures found at last weekend's rummage sales. Is it a holder for hard boiled eggs? A strange cosmetics container? Something that promoted giggles every time I thought about it?
I went saling with Samantha, who can sensibly arrive at the intended use of most any object, and she realized quickly this curious item was used to make confetti eggs. Having never made such objects myself, I still don't see the draw, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Samantha's speedy eye caught this witty t-shirt. Who doesn't know a lawyer that could use a visual hug? You should definitely pick one of these babies up at your local rummage sale and wear it at your next black-tie event.
Readers, here in the tundra-like midwest, it is cold from September through April. As you can see, this hearty proprieteress knows what draws in the crowd with her clever sign:
This is the largest wooden duck collection I have personally ever seen. Questions immediately come to mind: who donated these ducks? What did they use them for? Why do some have hats and clothes and others remain vulnerable in their wooden nakedness? Why would a duck need a hat? Why did they get donated? Was it someone's husband who one day had had it up to here with the wooden ducks and said, "Bernice! That's it! Either the ducks go or I go!"

Sadly, Bernice's ducks did not sell. Here they are, at my favorite thrift store the next week. Let's hope Bernice doesn't frequent this particular store. I fear for her broken heart.

Do you like flowers? Do you like bowls? Do you like flowers a little too much?
This is an ideal gift for someone who likes the look of squished petroleum by-products staring up at them when their punch is finished.
Readers, do you like rocks? Do you like to display your rocks, so others can see just how much you like them? Do you like to dust un-dustable objects? Then here is your perfect item, artfully displayed by Samantha.
Are you living in 1982 and planning to host a wedding shower whose predominant color is pink and gosh darn it, you just can't find those popular paper bells? Then, Reader, you NEED to start frequenting dusty church gymnasiums, for what you are seeking is close!

That's it for this week! Fair shopping!